It’s a tough time of the year for so many people, and an even tougher time to be trying to make a little extra money to help get by, only to be caught up in a scam and have your bank account emptied because you made a wrong choice. An empty bank account makes it difficult to pay bills and buy food.
That’s what happened to a friend of ours who many know as Podcast Kevin. Kevin used to live in Calgary. He decided to quit his job at SAIT and move on to follow his dreams and further his career, so he recently moved to Vancouver to go to school. Kevin is well known in the Calgary social media community and well respected. He created a Podcast that gets people talking. He encourages conversations about controversial topics on his social media feeds, sometimes hitting nerves but always creating awareness and a sense of community. Kevin likes to talk and get people talking. And he would most definitely give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
Kevin hit some bad luck yesterday when he agreed to a Mystery Shopping gig to make some extra money. It was a scam and this scam emptied his bank account. The bank can’t help. The police can’t help. After several discussions today, a small army of us started chatting before lunch and decided to get together to rally around Kevin. We want to help. We decided not to set up a Go Fund Me Account as everyone is doing Go Fund Me’s right now, e-transfer is quicker & easy, and Go Fund Me Costs are 7.9% plus .30 per transaction with a wait time to receive funds. We wanted all the money to go to Kevin immediately.
People make mistakes. We all do, and we all have. If this happened to you, wouldn’t you hope someone would step up and believe in you and try to help?
Myself (Wanda), Donna McTaggart and Merry Kuchle have all been chatting about how to help Kevin. We want to send him a care package. Since Kevin lives in Vancouver, this package can’t be big. We’re looking for things like gift cards to grocery stores, shoppers drug mart, coffee places (he likes Tim’s), maybe a restaurant or two or visa cash cards (he needs to pay bills/rent)…all things he can use right now. Or, if you would rather donate cash to him, you can (just contact us for details on e-transfers)! We know it’s a tough time for people but if 200 people donated $25, we can ensure Kevin has a good Christmas season and starts the new year off right. If you are not able to donate we will gladly accept well wishes, cards, etc.
I would like to send cash.
Thank you for your support. Can you please email me at Thanks again, Wanda
Just wanted to let you know, in case it will work, I’m driving out to BC around the 23rd so if you wanted to do a larger care package (who doesn’t love home baking), I could deliver it to him personally.
Thank you so much for your offer Darcy, let me chat with Donna and get back to you! – Wanda