Christmas is around the corner and one thing we haven’t purchased yet is stocking stuffers! We love opening our stockings every Christmas morning but always seem to leave this part of Christmas shopping until the last minute – ack!! There are four of us in the family if you don’t include the pets which means I shop for my husband, two kids and well sometimes myself. OK in all fairness my husband does pretty good in the stocking department but I may toss in my own items here and there.
In addition to this each year for the past 5 years we put together two more stockings to support our kids school fundraising initiative. It’s called Warm Feet For The Street for The Calgary Mustard Seed. The kids fill a stocking or sock with useful articles for a person who’s home is on the streets and must carry all their items in one bag. We also have family come for Christmas or we host an International Student on occasion who stays with us over Christmas, and yes, they get a stocking to.

With all these stockings to stuff, and Christmas closing in on me, I need to be able to do one stop shopping versus running all over town or the mall. Where does one go to get it all done? Well I always find what I need at London Drugs. They have everything I want to stuff all my stockings and then some. I even pick up dog and cat toys for under the tree, because you know, they are part of the family after all.
If you are wondering what to get that special someone or need some suggestions I’m happy to offer up some ideas based on why I pick up my stuffers at London Drugs.

Stuffers for Him:
First thing you need to do is zoom in on what he’s into. Is it cars, mechanics, technology, reading, coffee, cooking, or bubble baths? Find out what the man likes and then visit a London Drugs store near you with a plan that goes beyond underwear and socks. They have everything for the techie geek like all the new hot Apple and tech products. Magazines are good fillers, as are chocolates, coffee, movies or music, and even jerky’s which my man loves. If he’s into BBQing, stuff his stocking with some new spices. Is he a gamer? They’ve got games and headphones that might kind of fit in a stocking depending how big your stocking is. If he travels a lot, check out the accessories in the travel section. Still stumped? Check out the hardware & home accessories section for more ideas. My husband can never have enough smaller flashlights and you will find those in London Drugs. Plus batteries!

Stuffers for Minions
I talk to some parents who don’t know what to put into their kids stockings. So I tell them to break it down. Boy vs girl. Some gifts overlap like the typical chocolate and candies. The seasonal [Christmas] section has all kinds of goodies to choose from and they even have Christmas movies and music. You will find lots of itty bittys in the toy section. My girl loves bath items and my boy does to. Jewelry and make up bags (to store hair stuff and lip gloss if to young) are also a big hit. In the magazine section they have books & magazines for kids. I do love to encouraging reading so my kids will get magazines. Pokemon and hockey cards fit nicely into stockings. As the kids get older (tweens – teens), personal care gift packages, memory cards, usb’s, batteries, cables, headphones and even movies and popcorn make great stuffers. Gift cards to and nail care items like polish or manicure sets (which boys need to).

Stuffers for Her
To me this is the easiest stuffer to fill. Maybe cause I can relate so well. Guys I would follow the same guidelines as stuffers for men. What is she into (cooking, bath & body, technology, games, reading)? Once you can write down 2 or 3 things she loves, your ready to get started shopping. Many women love bath and beauty products and perfume – you can even buy a gift set and take it apart to stuff the stocking! It’s fun to pick up several face masks – they are thin and stocking size. Does she enjoy tea and books? Fitbits and pedometers are a great gift for the lady who is wanting to work out more. Kitchen gadgets are one of my favourite things and many fit perfectly into stockings. Pictures, photo games, scrap will find all these items at London Drugs.

We make our stockings fun, edible and sometimes a little serious but we love that you can buy Stocking Stuffers for everyone at London Drugs. If you walk in and are not sure where to start, ask one of the employees, they are super helpful and can help you get the job done. Another great thing you may not know about London Drugs is they have a hassle-free return policy and price matching guarantee allowing them to save you trips around Calgary! You can find out more about the London Drugs Guarantee here.
What are your favourite stocking stuffers to buy or receive?!
Thank you to London Drugs for inviting and sponsoring me to write this post. As always, my opinions are my own based on my own experiences.
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